Poseidon on AWS Cluster


The executable for running Poseidon tasks is psd_run. Running psd_run -h should print this:

usage: psd_run [-h] [-c,--cluster_config CLUSTER_CONFIG]
               [-o,--out OUTPUT_FOLDER]

psd_run runs Poseidon for distributed machine learning on a GPU cluster. The following are its command line arguments.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c,--cluster_config CLUSTER_CONFIG
                        configuration file for cluster environment: specify workers in each machine. See example:
                          "virtualenv": "/home/ubuntu/sandbox",
                          "username": "ubuntu",
                          "pem_file": "/path/to/pem-file.pem",
                          "master_node": "localhost",
                          "worker_nodes": [
                          "server_nodes": [
  -o,--out OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        output log folder


We must create a config.json to specify our cluster configurations. If running a single node on Ubuntu within an AWS instance (with no virtualenv), the configurations are very simple:

Note: replace cluster-key.pem with a path to your AWS pem file.

  "pem_file": "cluster-key.pem",
  "worker_nodes": [
  "server_nodes": [

Note: if running on multiple AWS nodes, add each node’s private IP in the worker_nodes and server_nodes lists within config.json.


We can now launch Poseidon with the following command:

psd_run -c config.json -o logs "python $TF_MODEL_HOME/tutorials/image/cifar10/cifar10_train.py --max_steps 1000"

Poseidon Logs

After running Poseidon, you can check the execution log poseidon_run.log in the same path you ran psd_run. There are also output log files for debugging and monitoring purposes created in poseidon_log_$TIMESTAMP_SUFFIX folder which will reside in a logs folder in your current directory (the -o directive).